Why Am I Still Writing Here?

Finding meaning beyond dollar signs

Lately, I’ve been including a little chat after I read each article which you can hear in the recording above.

As my stats and earnings were falling last month I sat down and thought about why I am writing on Medium and why I should continue. I think seeing Medium as the base for my business to help other survivors will keep me motivated when things are slow. I have realized lately that money does not solve my problems and basing my success on Medium by dollar signs is not going to keep me motivated.

My goals for Medium:

  1. I wish to serve others by sharing my experience with narcissistic abuse and domestic violence. I want to provide a road map to escape and healing.
  2. Grow my audience.
  3. Earn so I can work from home and be available for my children.
  4. Use Medium as my base platform to grow a business that helps my fellow survivors and those who are still victims of domestic violence and their children.

My daily to-do list for growing Medium:

  1. I write every day. I write through a new idea or just do a few pages of a brain dump to see what will come up. After I write something new I work on editing something I’ve already written. I try to post something new three to five days a week. Write one hour a day.
  2. Next up is to respond to any comments that were left the day before. I visit the profile of any new readers and look for articles to read and comment on.
  3. Read and comment. My goal is to read and comment on at least five articles a day. As I’m reading I bookmark any articles I want to refer back to later. I also bookmark anyone who would make a good podcast guest to interview.
  4. Follow any writers that I find interesting. I probably follow at least two new people a day. There are so many great writers on this platform.
  5. Keep learning how to do better every week.

Thanks for reading,

Julia Freeman, an anonymous survivor

I write from my experience of being raised by a narcissist and being married to an abusive narc for over twenty years. I hope my experience helps others live free.

You can join medium by clicking the link below. I will receive a percentage of your membership fee which helps me continue to write and share my message.



Julia Freeman, Trauma Recovery Coach

I believe survivors of narcissistic abuse and domestic violence deserve to live in freedom and peace.