What I Learned This Week

Photo by Alex Alvarez on Unsplash

Here are a few things I’ve learned, experienced, and remembered this week.

Remember you can contact Poison Control if your children eat anything questionable like a weed growing in your yard if you need some guidance on symptoms to watch for or when to seek emergency treatment.

When you are in pain it makes you stressed out. Stress makes pain worse. If you can relax, laugh, or let go it will help reduce your pain. Is it reducing the pain or distracting you from it? Maybe, a bit of both.

If you’re going to prank someone with your bubble gun at work don’t leave it where they might find it. You might get pranked instead. My coworker didn’t know it was my bubble gun when he took advantage of his “find”. #ironic

P.s. Blowing bubbles is fun for any age.

Did you have any interesting lessons this week?



Julia Freeman, Trauma Recovery Coach

I believe survivors of narcissistic abuse and domestic violence deserve to live in freedom and peace.