Welcome to My Profile

I’m here to serve you

Women’s hand together in a teamwork huddle
Photo by Hannah Busing on Unsplash


I’m Julia Freeman and I’m a Domestic Violence and Narcissistic Abuse survivor. I write under an alias I chose while living in a domestic violence shelter. I have a bunch of children, love to read, write, watch movies, and help others.

I have been a writer since before I could write words. I spent my younger years writing poetry, short stories, and lugging books and notebooks everywhere I went. I still haul books and notebooks everywhere I go, ha!

I write to bring awareness to Domestic Violence, Narcissistic Abuse, Family Court, and how all of the above impact survivors and their children. I have been given much since I left my abusive marriage and want to give back by sharing my experience and providing a platform for other survivors to share their stories. I believe that sharing our experiences helps others escape, keep going, and learn from our mistakes.

My Top Three:

From my top three articles, it would seem I have fallen into the niche of narcissism awareness. From my experience, domestic violence and narcissism go hand in hand along with some form of addiction.


I have recently started a podcast and would like to interview other survivors. If you would like to be a guest please leave me a comment or private note on any of my articles. My goal is to share stories from survivors, interview mental health professionals, family court advocates, and anyone else who may be able to help us escape, heal, and thrive as survivors.

My Story:

In August 2021, I wrote my story of escape and starting a new life from scratch by posting a chapter a day for 31 days. You can find all of the chapters in the list below. It is a work in progress just like me.

If you are looking for a guest poster, podcast guest, or just want to chat please leave me a comment or a private note on one of my articles.

You can also find me on Facebook as Julia Freeman.

Thanks for visiting and reading!!!



Julia Freeman, Trauma Recovery Coach

I believe survivors of narcissistic abuse and domestic violence deserve to live in freedom and peace.