Taking Care of Patients Made Me Less Empathetic

In a good way

Photo by Tengyart on Unsplash

Are you one of those people who feels the feelings of others? Do you get overwhelmed with other people’s “stuff”?

I used to be the same way until I worked in healthcare for a few months. When you work with enough anxious people you learn to take a few steps back from their feelings. My job was to help patients and being pulled into their emotions did not allow me to do my job properly. When I stayed strong and confident I was able to help them more than when I teared up over their struggle.

Have you ever been really stressed out while your friend or family member remained strong? They were a witness to what you were going through so they didn’t experience it as you did. You were able to lean on them while they held you up to help you get through the situation.

That is similar to what it is like to be a healthcare worker. I learned that being the strong pillar was more helpful to my patients than when I joined them in their stress. I was able to have empathy for what they were going through while remaining strong and confident so they were reassured that all was well.

As a parent, you do something similar with your children when they are hurt or stressed out. Seeing the worry in your eyes will make them break down faster than seeing your…



Julia Freeman, Trauma Recovery Coach

I believe survivors of narcissistic abuse and domestic violence deserve to live in freedom and peace.