Single Parents Protect Yourself From Economic Disaster

Build your buffer zone and backup plan so you don’t have to worry about the future

Photo by Sasun Bughdaryan on Unsplash

Oh No!

You receive the dreaded call from your child’s school. Illness has hit your house and now you will have to leave work early and miss a few days of work. You begin to worry about the financial implications of a smaller paycheck.

Or how about this one? You hurt yourself and can no longer work your physically demanding job. Now what?

Single parents already have so much on their shoulders. What do you do when your ability to work is taken away?

We just saw how important it is to have a backup plan for employment and income. Let’s think through some ways to make sure we have something to fall back on in case we lose a job, illness hits, or we injure ourselves.

The first thing to do is to remain calm. You can’t solve every problem that may come up in the future. You have to be able to let go and let God as the saying goes. Somehow, some way things will work out but we do need to do our part in planning for things that could easily cause problems.

The Emergency Fund/One Month Income



Julia Freeman, Trauma Recovery Coach

I believe survivors of narcissistic abuse and domestic violence deserve to live in freedom and peace.