Saying Goodbye to Your Old Life and Self

Is Bittersweet

Photo by Amine rock hoovr on Unsplash

She survived so you could live

Who you had to be to survive an abusive relationship kept you alive so you could be free now.

Sometimes I feel ashamed of who I was. It’s almost a self-hatred. I know that’s how my mind is trying to make sense of the trauma I survived.

As I learn more about trauma I am proud of who I was in the past. The deep part of me that never gave up deserves my gratitude.

How do you feel about who you were before now?

Honoring what you have gone through

We have to come to terms with our past so we can live in peace in the present. We can accept who we were and what we had to do to survive until this point.

Can you see the strength you had to find to keep going? The strength that kept you alive so you can choose your future?

That is worth honoring.

Stepping into the future

You bring the best parts of who you were in the past into your future. You have left yourself behind but you are still one in time and space. It’s a strange combination of past and present.



Julia Freeman, Trauma Recovery Coach

I believe survivors of narcissistic abuse and domestic violence deserve to live in freedom and peace.