Narcissistic Abuse Can Cause Autoimmune Disorders

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Did you know that people who have experienced narcissistic abuse are more likely to have an autoimmune disorder? Why, because they can be brought on by stress. Sad, huh?

I think this is so unfair. We did our best to be a good child, partner, or associate to the personality disordered only to be punished with a condition that we will carry for the rest of our lives. Well, so it seems to me some days.

I know our genetics is a huge factor in our health. I also know that environment can turn some disorders “on”. What are we to do with the situation we now find ourselves in?

If we have escaped to freedom we may be single parents and have to work full-time. Having an autoimmune disorder means we have less energy than we should. We also don’t physically handle stress as well as other people. Somedays it feels like we are swimming through jello and our minds are fuzzy.

Then we have the specific way our autoimmune disorder impacts our health. Sometimes this causes even more tiredness, pain, stomach problems, trouble thinking clearly, needing more sleep and rest than others, and the list goes on and on.

How do we live and function in a way that keeps our life on track? How do we bring home the bacon when we can barely get out of bed in the morning?



Julia Freeman, Trauma Recovery Coach

I believe survivors of narcissistic abuse and domestic violence deserve to live in freedom and peace.