My Summer of Prayer

Walking into stronger faith

Beautiful Autumn scene with a path running through trees
Photo by AZGAN MjESHTRI on Unsplash

I relied on prayer to get me through the nine months I spent at a domestic violence shelter away from my children. I found many special places to walk and pray. I look back on that time of spiritual battle with fondness.

During the warmer months, I walked at a local park. It was a lovely place with a creek and wooded area bordering a walking track. As I took my laps I watched squirrels, ducks, and geese play in the woods and water. I watched as the wildflowers changed from Spring through Autumn.

I took the children to the park a few times while they were living with me at the shelter and being there helped me feel close to them. Sometimes I called them as I walked and we would watch the sunset or the full moon together. My children were always with me in spirit on my walks. I imagined them running off to watch the ducks, picking wildflowers, or asking me endless questions while I walked.

I walked away the frustrations of the day and my anger over the divorce and what my husband was doing. By the end of each walk, I had given it all up to God again and left with a clear heart and mind.

I would walk my circles and pray for a home of my own, a job so I could provide for my children, and custody of my children. Some evenings the storm clouds rolled in. Other days…



Julia Freeman, Trauma Recovery Coach

I believe survivors of narcissistic abuse and domestic violence deserve to live in freedom and peace.