How To Meet Safely With a Narcissist If You Must
Protect yourself physically and emotionally
3 min readMay 18, 2022
A Caution
The first rule for meeting with a narcissist or someone who has been abusive to you in the past is, “Safety First”. Don’t put yourself or your children at risk of violence. If you have any doubt about your safety do not meet with a dangerous person.
Now that we have the most important caution out of the way I can go over some boundaries you can use to keep yourself emotionally and mentally safe from the narcissist. These are just suggestions to help you start thinking about the rules you need to set for yourself if you will be spending any time iwth a narcissist.
- Have no expectations so you won’t be disappointed.
- Radical acceptance of who/what they are. Don’t think that just because they are kissing up to you they are a “new” person. They are the same toxic and abusive person you have experienced before no matter how “nice” they are pretending to be. These people are master manipulators and know how to push your buttons.
- Weigh the possible positive outcome of the meeting against how the narc will use what you say against you in the future.
- Keep your emotions under lock and key…