How Do You Protect Yourself From Economic Disaster? Podcast Notes

Single-parent employment and income backup plan

In this episode of The Learning to Live Free podcast, I’m talking about the backup plan single parents need to have in order to protect themselves from disaster.

As single parents, we have more to fear from a few missed days of work or being laid off than those in two-income households. Here are the topics I cover in this episode:

The emergency fund and one month’s income. The importance of a proper mindset about money management and saving to help you build your savings.

Continued learning and building your resume. Have enough skills so you can make more, find a new job easily, and have something to fall back on.

The importance of the side-hustle for making ends meet and as a potential full-time income.

Self-employment and ideas for turning your hobbies and skills into income on your terms.

The ideal single-mom lifestyle would allow moms to provide for their children while being there for them.

Single-mom pep talk.

Call for ideas.

I hope you find this episode useful. Have a wonderful week,

❤ Julia



Julia Freeman, Trauma Recovery Coach

I believe survivors of narcissistic abuse and domestic violence deserve to live in freedom and peace.