Changes are coming to my medium content and podcast.

I have decided to be more careful about what I share and how it can impact me and my children. I don’t want to put myself in a situation where I can be sued for libel. Yikes!

I will be moving more towards sharing things that I have found helpful on my healing journey instead of sharing my story. It’s a difficult decision to make and I am frustrated that it needs to be this way.

I will be exploring how survivors can safely share their stories with others. I still strongly believe it is powerful when we speak up about what we have gone through. I think if you don’t want someone to talk about what you did then don’t do it. Unfortunately, the legal system doesn’t support that freedom of speech.

I will be editing or removing much of what I have written here. I will also be removing many podcast episodes. Thank you for reading and encouraging me.

If you have suggestions to help me share my message in a safe way please leave them in the comments.



Julia Freeman, Trauma Recovery Coach

I believe survivors of narcissistic abuse and domestic violence deserve to live in freedom and peace.