Are You Stuck After Leaving the Narcissist?

Is it time to move on?

Photo by Madeleine Wilson on Unsplash

Your New Reality

You’ve already gone through so much by leaving an abusive relationship. Your whole life has changed.

When you first left everything was chaotic. It took months, years even to get to the place of calm and peace you now live in. But, you begin to wonder if you should be doing more. If you should make some changes.

How do you know when it is time to move on from the safe place you have made for yourself? And what do you need to change?


I recently had a revelation about where I am in my healing journey.

I was in a deep, dark pit and climbed up to a ledge which, I thought was the real world. Turns out it was just a pleasant landing space with grass, flowers, and stunted trees.

I finally got enough rest to look up and realize I am still on my way out of the pit.

I think sometimes we need to reach a pleasant landing place to recover and rebuild before we get back to work climbing out of our dark place.

The important thing is to not be fooled by pleasant scenery so that we stay there forever. Also, don’t begrudge the time you took to heal and catch your breath. You needed to gain…



Julia Freeman, Trauma Recovery Coach

I believe survivors of narcissistic abuse and domestic violence deserve to live in freedom and peace.