A High-Conflict Divorce Parenting Plan Can Save Your Sanity

Plan Now for a More Peaceful Future

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A high-conflict divorce parenting plan can truly save your sanity. If you are facing divorce from someone who has a personality disorder or is out to make your life tougher than it needs to be then you need a strong parenting plan.

Having extra parameters lined out for custody exchanges, communication, decision-making, and child support can stop some battles before they even start. Taking the time now to consider how co-parenting with your former spouse may happen will help you live a more peaceful future.

It’s important to think of the needs your children will have in the future and include them in your parenting agreement so that future trips to family court are few and far between.

Table of Contents

· Difficult Divorce
· You Need a Detailed High Conflict Divorce Parenting Plan
· Parenting Time
· Communication Guidelines
· Decision-Making Responsibilities
· Child Support
· Parallel Parenting

Difficult Divorce



Julia Freeman, Trauma Recovery Coach

I believe survivors of narcissistic abuse and domestic violence deserve to live in freedom and peace.